Dealing with “inexplicable” chronic pain & tension?

Discover a Holistic Path to a Pain-Free Life

It doesn’t involve expensive treatments, countless doctor visits, or outdated methods

Yes! I Want to Learn How to Live a Pain-Free Life

Assisted 1000+ patients

15 years of rehab experience

6 years PRI® Specialist

Tired of the Traditional Healthcare System Failing You?


You’re not alone...


100s of people suffer from:


➡️ Back pain

➡️ Neck tension

➡️ Hip pain

➡️ Headaches

➡️ Overall muscle tension

Your Typical Healthcare System is Designed to TREAT pain — not SOLVE it 

DON’T look at the body's asymmetries or neurology 


They just look at where you are... 


Where you should be...


And then “force” you in that direction...


Without fully understanding every single component of your body or treating the body in full.

My Approach is Completely Different...


It doesn’t involve looking at an MRI...


Diagnosing your entire situation in 15 minutes...


Or seeing 25+ patients daily.


My approach is designed to get to the root cause of your discomfort and find lasting relief. 


This means looking at your...

By discovering any asymmetries in your body...


Only then can you work towards bringing your body into balance...


And experience results like this:

Hi I’m Aleena!

And for the past 15 years I've dedicated myself to helping people overcome chronic pain.


As a certified PRI® Specialist...

Certified Athletic Trainer...

And with over 15 years of experience in movement and rehabilitation...


I've seen firsthand how devastating chronic pain can be...


And how often conventional treatments fall short of providing real, lasting results.


That's why I've spent the last 6 years immersing myself in studying Postural Restoration.

After Helping 100s People From All Walks of Life to Become Pain-Free...


I made it my mission to bring effective PRI techniques to as many people as possible...


So they have the tools to take control of their own healing journey.


I believe that with the right guidance and support...


Anyone can learn to:


 👂 Listen to their body


🦶 Identify and correct imbalances


🏃‍♀️ And experience the joy of living an active, pain-free life.  


That’s why I created...


A Holistic Approach to Treating 

Chronic Pain That Actually Works

Yes! I Want to Learn How to Live a Pain-Free Life

The Rootedwell Membership Includes...

30+ Step-by-Step PRI® Techniques

 Gain access to a meticulously designed sequence of over 30 PRI® techniques that target the root causes of chronic pain and dysfunction.

Personalized Video Analysis 

Receive personalized video analysis from me, offering detailed feedback and guidance to refine your form, address asymmetries.

Monthly Live Interviews With Health Experts

Have questions about other health topics? I invite expert-level health specialists to answer these questions and you can attend it live.

Private Community

Connect with other's who understand your struggles, share your experiences, and offer mutual support and encouragement.

100s of People Joined RootedWell &

Are NOW Living a Pain-Free Life


“Since I committed to PRI I’ve never felt better. I recently caved in and purchased a pair and they actually felt great I not only feel the effects in my movement, but I feel more calm and down regulated. Aleena knows what’s up!"


"I joined RootedWell because I thought this could help me and my body and I was completely correct. I am so happy about the techniques because it gives me insight to Postural Restoration that I was looking for."


"Let's just say, I was skeptical at first. But after finally trying PRI, I can't believe the difference! It's not just about physical benefits - my movement feels smoother, for sure - but I'm also experiencing a surprising sense of calm. It's like PRI helps me regulate my stress too."

Who is RootedWell
Membership For? 

If you...


Have major discomfort

✅ Don’t feel great

✅ Want better posture

✅ Feel off from how you used to feel

✅ Have chronic back pain

✅ Get constant neck and shoulder tension

✅ Have hip or knee pain

✅ Experience headaches or jaw pain

✅ Have any type of persistent pain that's been holding you back from living an active life

Results you can expect by joining RootedWell...


➡️ Sit for longer

➡️ Be more productive

➡️ Get to the root cause of your pain

➡️ Have more oxygen flowing to your brain

➡️ Live a longer, healthier, and comfortable life

➡️ Learn more about your body and how it functions

➡️ Do the things you want to and for longer periods of time

And more...

Here's a sneak peek of what's inside 

Yes! I Want to Learn How to Live a Pain-Free Life

Traditional Healthcare Vs. RootedWell


Normally if you would go the traditional route... 


Or hire me personally...


Here’s what it would look like...


You’ll Learn the Same if Not More at a Fraction of the Price When You Join RootedWell Membership


To recap, here’s what you’ll be getting:


30+ Step-by-Step PRI® Techniques — Value $1000


Personalized Video Analysis — Value $350


Monthly Live Interviews — Value $500 per Interview


Private Community — Value $500


Access to New Content & Future Updates —- Priceless


Unlimited access —  Priceless


Locked in price even if I raise prices — Priceless


Total Value


Membership Price

Per Month


per month

Join RootedWell

6-Month Plan


Save $107

Join RootedWell

What more people had to say about working with Aleena...


Aleena  is very knowledgeable about pain management. I had pain in my jaws from grinding at night. With her guidance with the breathing exercises and making life changes, I am 99% pain free!"

Alex G

"Aleena is an amazing practitioner who truly cares about her patients and has a wealth of unique knowledge to share... She helped me in several ways and I couldn't recommend her enough to people who haven't had success with traditional PT."

Chantel K

"Aleena has a wonderful energy about her and is knowledgeable in many areas of health outside of physical therapy. In the realm of physical therapy she searches for the root cause to help her patients. She opens up your eyes to an alternative means of treatment that needs to be experienced to fully understand."

The Longer You Wait...

The Harder It May Be to Heal


Chronic pain is more than just an inconvenience...


It's a progressive condition that can worsen over time, making it increasingly difficult to find relief.


The sooner you address the root causes of your pain...


The better your chances of achieving lasting results.  


That’s why I created RootedWell Membership...


To give anyone the tools and support they need to start your healing journey at a fraction of the price.


Don't let indecisiveness stand in the way of your well-being.

Yes! I Want to Learn How to Live a Pain-Free Life

More Before & After Transformations

Frequently Asked Questions